Join the team and fundraise for Claire House Children’s Hospice
Claire House Children’s Hospice helps seriously and terminally ill children make the most of the time they have however long or short that may be.
By providing specialist nursing and end of life care, as well as emotional support, the hospice helps families through some of the toughest times of their lives. We help families from across Merseyside, Cheshire and North Wales.

Last year (2022/23):
- 456 babies, children and young people, and their families got the care and support they needed
- 107 families were supported at end of life at home, in the hospice, or in hospital
- 342 nights of emergency care were provided
- 1,733 nights of planned respite were delivered at the hospice
When you join the team, you’ll receive:
- One of our Brand NEW Claire House Running Tops
- A branded Water bottle
- A fundraising pack with hints and tips to help you meet your fundraising target
- Support from our team to help with your training and fundraising
Claire House cannot stop children from dying but we can drastically improve the quality of the time they have and support families who are going through some of the toughest moments of their lives. You can fund the best nursing care money can buy; whether that be at the hospice, hospital or in a family’s home.
With every day that passes another family struggles on without the help they so desperately need. Please join the Claire House fundraising team, YOUR support can make all the difference.
For more information about Claire House, get in touch by emailing events@clairehouse.org.uk or visit clairehouse.org.uk
Sign up now to be part of our team.